Rules for Maintenance of Public Order


129-A 6430 Rules for Maintenance of Public Order

129-A 6430 Rules for Maintenance of Public Order

The Board of Trustees of 火博体育 (二甲基砜) hereby adopts the following 规则 for the maintenance of public order on campus 和 other locations used for educational purposes 和 a program for the enforcement of these 规则 和 do hereby authorize the President of 二甲基砜 to file a copy with the Regents 和 the Commissioner of Education as provided in section 6430 of the New York Education Law.

二甲基砜 will not permit any intentional or reckless misconduct that endangers the mental or physical health of a student, 教员, 工作人员, 或被许可方, 以下简称为, “男男同性恋社区.” Intentional or reckless misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Deliberately causing injury to another person or threatening to do so;
  • Physically restraining or detaining another person or forcibly removing a person from a place where they have a right to remain;
  • Deliberate damage to or theft of 二甲基砜 property;
  • Entering private administrative, 教师, or staff offices without permission;
  • Entering into or remaining in an 二甲基砜 building or facility for any purpose other than its authorized use;
  • Remaining in an 二甲基砜 building or office after it has been closed;
  • Refusing to leave any building or facility after being requested to do so by an authorized administrator;
  • Obstructing the movement of persons in or around 二甲基砜 facilities;
  • Deliberately disrupting classes, lectures or meetings;
  • Forcing another individual or participating in an effort to force another individual to ingest alcohol, 药物, or other substances for any reason;
  • Violating 二甲基砜’s policy on the use 和 possession of weapons on campus;
  • Willfully inciting another individual to engage in intentional or reckless misconduct;
  • Unlawful use, sale, or distribution of controlled substances;
  • Stalking, harassment, or intimidation;
  • Any conduct not enumerated above which violates federal law, New York law, or local law.

This policy governs the conduct of students, 教师, 和工作人员, as well as any individuals on premises of 二甲基砜 or facilities not owned by 二甲基砜 but used for 二甲基砜 purposes.

游客, including invitees 和 licensees, shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the maintenance of order on 二甲基砜 premises. A trespasser has no privilege of any kind to be on 二甲基砜 property but is nevertheless subject to these regulations governing the maintenance of order.

Any authorized member of the 二甲基砜 Community, after properly identifying himself or herself, may in the course of performing his or her duties, request identification from members of the 二甲基砜 Community. Refusal to identify oneself shall be considered prima facie evidence of non-二甲基砜 status.

“Authorized” members of the 二甲基砜 Community shall include:

  1. Members of the 二甲基砜 administration.
  2. 教师 in the performance of teaching or supervisory duties.
  3. 建筑安全.


The consequences for the misconduct enumerated above are:

  1. 游客, including invitees 和 licensees, shall automatically terminate their privilege to remain on 二甲基砜 property upon breach of this regulation. 二甲基砜, 除了, reserves the right in its discretion to withdraw at any time the privilege of an invitee 或被许可方 to be on 二甲基砜 premises.
  2. Guests of members of the 二甲基砜 Community or trespassers will be required to leave 二甲基砜 premises. Guests or trespassers who refuse to leave will be subject to ejection 和/or prosecution for criminal trespass.
  3. Students will be subject to expulsion or other disciplinary action, as provided in 二甲基砜’s Student Code of Conduct.
  4. Employees will be subject to disciplinary action, as provided in 二甲基砜’s policies, 程序, 规则, 和 regulations in the Employee H和book, 学院教员手册, 和 Precollege 教师 H和book.
  5. 授权机构, permit or allow such conduct to occur may be denied permission to operate on 二甲基砜’s property.
  6. All consequences enumerated in this policy are 除了 to any penalties imposed by federal, 纽约州或当地法律.

Nothing in this policy will be construed to limit or penalize a group or individual solely for exercising their constitutionally protected rights or assembling with others for that purpose.

Approved: Board of Trustees July 2, 1969





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